Disability insurance

Protect your income with disability insurance. We help you with suitable insurance, so that you retain financial security in case of illness or accident.

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Take out an AOV maintenance subscription

Disability insurance for self-employed persons

The benefits of both low one-off costs and always up-to-date insurance with the Bouvy AOV Package.

Bouvy Advice provides personal advice about your disability insurance. We base our advice on your personal and business situation and pay attention to the premium and conditions of insurers. We guide you through the entire application process and take all the work off your hands. After taking out a disability insurance, it is our responsibility to ensure that the chosen insurance remains suitable. We carry out a periodic check for this.

The costs for advice when taking out disability insurance are € 375,00 and we charge a one-off fee for the mediation € 375,00. After this you take out a maintenance subscription from 15,00 per month. For this we regularly check whether your insurance still fits sufficiently and are your point of contact for the insurer. This way you don't have to worry about it anymore and you can focus on your business without worries.

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The benefits of a Disability Insurance through Bouvy Advice

Disability insurance for entrepreneurs

As a self-employed person, you are responsible for your income. But what if you are (temporarily) unable to work? Disability insurance for entrepreneurs is necessary if you are unable to work due to an accident or illness and still want to maintain income to cover your costs. Prevent major financial consequences for your business and private situation and guarantee your income continuity with a disability insurance.

Why independent insurance advice?

Bouvy Advies has contact with and a comparison tool for all insurers in the Netherlands. Which insurance company is the best? There is no clear answer. Because which company is the best for you depends on your personal and business circumstances. Based on your situation and wishes, I compare dozens of insurance companies with each other. Each company has different conditions and charges different premiums against different conditions and it is always wise to compare both well. Independent and specialist advice is very important in this.

Taking out insurance online seems so easy. Yet, the wrong product is often taken out. There is a big chance that you are overlooking something, are underinsured or are paying too much. It is important not to just look at the premium, because the conditions are just as important. As insurance experts, we know exactly what to look for when it comes to taking out insurance and risk management.

Some insurers only do business directly with customers. If our analysis shows that such a company is the best option for you, we advise you to take it out with them directly. Of course, we will guide you with the application and the policy. We will also administer this properly, so that we can check it regularly for you. Your interests always come first.

The AOV maintenance subscription

You want certainty, even in the event of disability. With a disability insurance (AOV) via Bouvy Advies, you are assured of good and responsible advice. But taking out insurance is one thing, ensuring that it remains suitable in the future is at least as important.

Why a maintenance subscription?
Personal and financial situations change. What fits well today may no longer be sufficient tomorrow. That is why we offer a maintenance subscription. This way, your AOV will always remain up to date and you will avoid unpleasant surprises. We take responsibility and keep you informed of important changes.

The one-off costs for applying for and concluding your AOV are € 750,00. After that you only pay €15.00 per month for the maintenance subscription. This way you are always assured of the best advice and insurance that continues to match your situation.

Schedule a no-obligation consultation

What can you expect from us?

  • An up-to-date digital file
  • Always an up-to-date financial plan with risk, cost and target monitoring
  • One permanent point of contact, available from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
  • Continuous monitoring of insurance conditions and your personal situation
  • A service conversation approximately 5 months after taking out the insurance
  • Periodic premium and conditions comparison (on request)
  • Biennial consultation/maintenance of your financial product (on request)
  • Mediation and support for damage claims and calamities
  • Fast compensation once the amount has been determined
  • Your insurer always has the most up-to-date information
Personal advice

More than half of the self-employed do not have disability insurance. That does not have to be a problem if you have sufficient assets or a partner with a good income to absorb the income blows in the event of long-term illness, for example. I would be happy to look at your personal situation with you and, if desired, advise you on an insurance that suits you.

As an independent insurance advisor, Bouvy Advies ensures that you are always well insured, do not run unnecessary risks and do not pay too much. Contact us for the best solution for your situation.