Mortgage Advice Rates
When taking out a mortgage, independent and specialist advice is very important. Customers rate us with 9.7/10.
Independent mortgage advice from € 2,750
When taking out a mortgage, independent and specialist advice is very important. There are costs associated with advice on and taking out a mortgage. Below you will find all the rates for our services and what you can expect from us.
Take the free mortgage scan
Taking out a mortgage is not something you do lightly, it is a decision you make for the long term. There is a good chance that there will be circumstances during the term that could lead to adjusting the mortgage in the meantime being a smart choice. Just think of the sharply lower mortgage rates, the adjustments in deductibility, a reduction in pensions and perhaps your personal situation has changed.
What is the result of all these changes? Is your mortgage still suitable for your current situation and wishes for the future? Can you save on your monthly payments? With the mortgage scan we can map this out well.
With the free mortgage scan you will quickly discover:
Mortgage advice and closing costs
Are you about to buy your first home? In this basic package we arrange everything for you and make sure that you know what to expect, so that you will soon be the proud owner of your first home and mortgage.
€2,750 (all-in)
Switcher | Move-on
You want to save on your current mortgage or have new housing needs. There are other things to consider than when you bought your first home. We provide an affordable and suitable mortgage and take all the work off your hands.
€ 3.350
IB entrepreneur | Rental mortgage
Are you an IB entrepreneur or is there a divorce, for example? We are also happy to help you in special situations. Special situations only require a little more time; we take all the work and care off your hands.
€ 3.995
Free: Bouvy's unique pre-advice
An exploratory meeting is always free. With Bouvy's unique preliminary advice, you will receive free and completely independent advice on all financial issues you want an answer to. Whatever your financial issue, our preliminary advice offers an initial outcome and is the starting point for further decisions in the area of buying a house, being able to stop working earlier, taking out insurance and financing.
After you decide to do business with us, we will deduct the costs of the preliminary advice from the costs of the final mortgage. The costs will only be charged if you do not use our services after the preliminary advice.
The rates for this preliminary advice if you subsequently decide not to purchase a product or service:
Private: €250
IB entrepreneur: €400
Mortgage advice and tax (benefit)
There are several items that are deductible from income tax. If you include the deductible costs in your tax return, you will pay less income tax.
Advice and closing costs for a mortgage, such as our services, are tax deductible. However, only if the mortgage interest is also. If you have had mortgage advice and you decide not to take out a mortgage, you may not deduct the advice costs for income tax.
Below are the costs for purchasing, maintaining or improving a house that are and are not deductible from your income tax.
Deductible income tax expenses:
Non-deductible income tax expenses:
Additional work
Special situations require more time. We make clear agreements about this in advance, so that you are not faced with any surprises.
Internal conversion €600
For a change within the current mortgage, such as changing the repayment method, taking out an additional loan portion for a renovation or interest averaging.
Application to additional lender € 295
In special cases, an additional application can be submitted if you wish to speed up the application process or increase the chance of acceptance.